3 things to do in 2017 by Ludmilla Intravaia

For 2017, I wish you the best. What else?  

In any case, if you are not satisfied by what 2017 could bring to you, you may stage your very own sunrise.

Naoshima, Kagawa.

Or rearrange the way cities look like.

Asakusa, Tokyo.

Asakusa, Tokyo.

And don't forget to bring someone with you in your future adventures.

Shodoshima, Kagawa.

Shodoshima, Kagawa.

What if the most valuable picture you could have was the one you can't see? by Lionel Samain

Cryptoglyphe is my side project. It’s a private collection, generated when I explore my hidden photographs and transform them through a self reflexive process into something new. A puzzle game. Recycling? Yes, maybe. Perhaps, It’s my fashion of being green, in thoughs. 

I’ll display one cryptoglyphe each month this year, here. The January issue is my way of expressing my greetings for this fresh new year. Have a playful and meditative 2016!

Cryptoglyphe n°001

Cryptoglyphe n°001

Express Economy by Lionel Samain

One of the (many) perks of shooting portraits for magazines: sometimes, you meet interesting people! Yes, you do! Economist, Jesuits,... sometimes they are both!

I have the pleasure to shoot portraits for Le Vif/ L’Express from time to time and recently I had the pleasure to make a portrait of french economist Gaël Giraud. Well, I’m not in any way much educated in political economy and usualy, if the interview happens on the same day as the shooting, I’m preparing my gear and gone scouting while the journalist is working. But this guy was so interesting, I just sat in the room and listened to those unheard point of views in the medias on the economical crisis in Greece. I brought home pictures and some thoughts to chew on.

MarquePage by Ludmilla Intravaia

If you are in Arles this summer, there is still few hours to see my contributions to HAVASPARIS’s exhibition « MarquePage », during les Rencontres d’Arles. Quite a fun display, like a small stocking place disguised as a WunderKamer, just on the corner of the Forum Square. This is about brands logo meeting titles of books.